Firming Contour Serum
Hudtype:Slackening skin
Denne mælkeagtige serum er skabt med banebrydende marine bioteknologi og giver en øjeblikkelig glat finish til huden samtidigt med at huden fyldes og ansigtets konturer syner mere opstrammet. Dens fjerlette tekstur med masser af komfort efterlader huden blød og med en let duft af liljekonval, jasmin og pæon. Dag for dag bliver huden mere fast og mere tonet, ansigtets konturer er mere defineret og teinten bliver mere strålende.
Milky Serum with floral notes of lily of the valley, jasmine and peony
Skin is twice as toned*
Skin’s suppleness is improved by + 93%*
Facial contours are reshaped for more than 8 women out of 10**
* Clinical survey results after 28 days of twice-daily use. Survey result average.
**Satisfaction test administered to 17 volunteers aged 52 to 67 after twice-daily use for 28 days.
GMR - Global Marine Reshaper: redensifies the skin's support structure, consolidates the architecture of the skin and improves cell cohesion on the surface of the skin.
Éco-Chlorella: stimulates the structural proteins of the skin for a firming and anti-slackening effect.
Cocktail of 3 firming ingredient: marine Mannitol brown algae, Silene organic plant and Adenosine.
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